Friday, November 22, 2019


I used Google forms as a medium to ask my audience questions as to what they wanted in  a film and to find out their common ways they watch films and their favourite genres in order to see if our film would appeal to some people. 
Google forms is a very simplistic method for those to take the questionnaire and the interface is very easy to use. Through the use of Google forms I was able to collect data (consensually) about my audience which will be easy to represent visually and graphically in order to gain quantitative and qualitative information.

These are the questions I intend to ask on my Google Form:
What is your gender?
What age are you?
What are your favourite film genre? (You can choose multiple)
What medium do you prefer to watch films?
What are three recent films you have watched and enjoyed?
Do you tend to watch the trailer before the film?
Which of the following influences your opinion on watching a film?
And I included some trailers related to then genre of my film.

Here is the link to my form

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research into your target audience, showing good use of technology.
    You refined your questionnaire after testing it.
    I enjoyed responding to your questionnaire myself.


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Thomas Hutchinson 1733 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Alexander Wain 1779 Our brief wa...