Essay question 1: How far has digital technology changed patterns of distribution? (2015)

Changes in Digital technology has changed the patterns of distribution as Matt Smith of the FDA said, the spend on digital has increased and some distributors are cutting trailers into mobile phone format. Netflix caused a huge disruption in the film industry as movie film streaming is much more accessible to the consumer. In March, many theatrical runs of movies were cut short, and even after the backlash Universal received for releasing films straight to home media. However, the Big Screen will not die like Maher believes. Arguably the Big Screen is much better than any of the systems the average consumer will have at home. Dolby digital surround and the significantly bigger screen means there will be a better quality experience at the cinema than at home. 

Essay question 2: To what extent does audience behaviour determine changes in the media industry? 

Audience behaviour can dramatically change the media industry. As a result of the coronavirus, many companies have opted to utilize their streaming platforms to release a constant stream of content notably Disney+. For Kevin Maher, if the public appreciate the ease of delivery, it could signify the end of cinemas. Whilst this is plausible, many audience members will still want to go to the cinemas because of the significantly better systems cinemas have.

(2015)Essay question 3: Evaluate the importance of media ownership on the media texts which get produced

1 comment:

  1. Essay question 1: good summative comment in concise, factual language. You show a good grasp of the article by Kevin Maher, but it would be wise to actually mention the name of the release (Trolls) and perhaps follow it up with a brief explanation of the 'backlash' (it is exhibitors like Cineworld who are angry and threatening not to show Universal films, after Universal then released a second film 'The High Note' to home media).
    Essay question 2: you express yourself well. Perhaps introduce a note on your personal consumption.
    When you complete the third task, Essay question 3, please email me and you will receive a green slip.


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