We included anti-stereotypes of the time such as a male secretary, of whom the stereotype is usually associated with women. We used a man with a thick British accent, which stereotypically has connotations with the antagonist of a Film. Examples of British antagonists would be Phillip Vandamm from the 1959 film North by Northwest. Phillip is described as a very mysterious character who is intelligent and methodical with his approach, which is an idea that we would like to convey in our media production.
The three social issues we have linked to our piece is: crime in general, knife crime which is topical to the current time and Death. Knife crime is a serious moral dilemma that has been on the rise in the UK since 2014, with over 40,000 incidents recorded in the 12 months running to September 2018. 21% of those convicted of a knife related crime are under 21
Certainly in American movies the villain is often a Brit!
ReplyDeleteYou have presented your ideas visually on Pinterest. Knife crime is indeed a topical moral panic.
Sophisticated Video analysis & 2 Pinterest boards. Impressive grasp of how film language makes meanings and how genre conventions function (film openings, crime, film noir). Clear link between research and outcome. Confident use of terminology. Tom speaks third.