Friday, February 14, 2020

Welcome Moderator

Thomas Hutchinson 1733
Claremont Fan Court School 64680

I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Alexander Wain 1779

Our brief was to make titles and openings of a fictional film. The title to our film is 'Duty Calls'. Our idea was to bring the genre of Film Noir back into the 21st century, by following genre codes and conventions whilst breaking some to bring it to life. The story is about a world leading detective who goes by the name of detective Swanson who discovers one of his best friends has died. It is Swanson’s duty and moral duty to sift through the fog of his job in order to get to the bottom of the crime, by all means necessary. 

Editing: I decided to take the lead in the editing of our film. This was mainly in choosing what stayed and what was cut from the film. In also made the decision to have the flames singled out from the rest of the film to make our film unique. I edited the soundtrack together to add suspense and pace to the film. I also took charge in managing the requests from our director, Alexander Wain as in our group, I was the one most experienced with the editing software we were using.

Camerawork: I stepped back from this role and made sure that the shots we were getting were in focus and that we had a variety of different shots with different angles of the same scenes so when it came to editing we had choice. Charlie Slorick took the lead for this role as we felt he was the most experienced person to take it on. I did contribute and film some scenes and help film some scenes.

Directing: I put forward some initial ideas for our film opening, however, it was Alexander Wain. He wanted to do something related to The Godfather (1972) and we agreed with him and got to work. When it came to filming I did take on role of telling our actors where to be and how to act their part in the scene, however, I did make sure that Alexander was on board with the decisions we were making.

The final production piece can be found here


  1. Sophisticated film opening that playfully acknowledges film noir conventions through visual codes (such as detective roles, clothes and props), stylish sound codes (non-diegetic music, use of silence), subtle editing (monochrome coupled with special effects such as the cigar flare). This production is rich in detail such as three individual co-production idents (Tom's being the splendid Ignite Films), creative attention to camera angles and focus pulls, convincing settings (marina and boat), creation of local newspaper and last but not least, the hook that marks the cliffhanger at the end of the opening sequence.

  2. 20 excellent research & planning posts & preliminary exercises; thorough understanding of key concepts; varied & detailed relevant planning, often creatively presented; sophisticated implementation of research. Additional posts reflecting on construction decisions.


Welcome Moderator

Thomas Hutchinson 1733 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Alexander Wain 1779 Our brief wa...