Friday, January 24, 2020



I named my production company is named IGNITE FILMS. I brain-stormed for logo ideas. I got ideas from a marketing workshop I visited and logos I had made prior to this one. I will show you the steps i went through in order to create the image above (my header) and the Ident which is on my Youtube Channel which is linked last.

I opened up my copy of Photoshop CS6 2018 and created a 1920 x 1080 canvas with a black background. I made the background into a layer and named it Gradient. I chose the Ellipse tool to make a circle, to make is perfect i held Ctrl + Shift in order to make it a perfect circle. i filled it to be white and thus the main circles had been born. The dotted lines were made with the Ellipse tool again, however i changed the line to dotted and made it smaller. I proceeded to add some text in a font i downloaded called Laser84. Laser84 is an 80's style font that is really aesthetically pleasing to me. I added stroke to it and made the stroke 5px large. Next i created a clipping mask to be able to make the circle and the stroke on the font look like a galaxy. To do this, i place the image on the canvas and made it the bigger than the main circle. I right clicked the galaxy image layer and created the clipping mask. I created many versions of the logo using differing images.

I also created my Media Ident. To do this I used two programmes Adobe After Effects CS6 2018 and Adobe Premier Pro CS6 2018.

First of all I downloaded the Saber plugin for AE (After Effects) for the fire effect. I created some flare for the background by using the particle effect, moving it to the bottom right-hand-side of the screen and changed the settings of the particles so they would float and spread them out. Please note that the type of particle was shaded sphere. Then i coloured them a nice fiery orange colour. The reason I chose orange is because it links to the name of my media productions company, IGNITE being the verb to ignite a fire. I then imported a transparent PNG file of the logo into the composition. Please note a transparent image is going to be easier to use when doing this as you wont have to keylight the background.

Next I added the Saber plugin to my logo. The style of effects had a really wide choice, however i found the fire choice and applied it. I changed the layer it would effect to the logo and toned down the brightness of the flames as you could not really see the words in the logo. The actual fire effect was also altered as the fire interfered slightly with the parts of the logo, linking things that should not be linked. After the effects had been changed to my preferences I added the logo again, this was to allow the fire effect to fade out when the logo faded in. I added keyframes from the two second mark to the three second mark to make the fire take time to fully form and slowly disappear. After that had been successfully applied I proceeded to add the effect, Venetian Blinds, to the unaffected logo to make it fade in. I changed the width of the blinds to 10 and changed the direction to 45 degrees. I set it so that from the two second mark to the three second mark it would fade into its full form.

My Ident can be viewed here: MY IDENT


In order to discover what distributing a film in real life would entail, our group made a film website, dedicated to our film Duty Calls. This was a very successful task and we believe our website had a very professional look. Our website includes contact information such as our dedicated film social media and youtube channel. We researched other film websites such as Knives out (2019). We used it as a reference and tried to replicate aspects of the website we liked.

Our film website was made using the WiX website editor, and the link to the website can be found here

PLANNING: Hot Seating

In preparation for the filming of our media production we made a short hot seating video in order to convey how we wanted our characters to present themselves in the actual production. 
We used Adobe Premier Pro CS6 in order to put together the video, and made sure the font was consistent throughout the video. 

We finished the editing process, added names to the scenes of the hot seating and uploaded it to YouTube with tags in order to make our video easily accessible. It can be seen below:

Monday, January 20, 2020

PLANNING: Call Sheets

PLANNING: Initial Mindmap

A key inspiration we found was the notorious gang led by Al Capone(1930's) and his signature dress to impress way of going about things. We immediately saw him as a great example to base the villain of our story as he ruled San Francisco with an Iron Fist which was the approach we wanted to take with our antagonist. As we built on the idea of gangs and Al Capone, we began to draw out the world in which we wanted the plot to inhabit. We then thought of well know gang-related cities, such as New York and Chicago. Although, we still believed that it would be a good idea to directly set the plot in this already existing cities. This would allow us to use existing history around them and create our own history. After that, we began to look at possible characters and started merging the ideas for Film Noir and Al Capone's empire.

We decided to use many stereotypes to convey the Film Noir aesthetic. This is going to mainly be achieved by making the video monochrome as this was conventional at the time as colour video hadn't been invented. the mind map showing our thought process is below.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


After extensive planning, as a group, we began to draw together what props we would need in order to bring our idea to life.

This hat is prevalent during the era in which our story takes place. A time in which class is shown in the way in which you dress. We felt that a fedora would be the ideal head wear for the setting the plot takes place in.

Bow Ties
During the 1930s bow ties were common attire for the upper-class members of society and a way of showing sophistication.

False cigar
During the era in which our story takes place, tobacco was a large part of society. There was a divide between the rich, who smoked a cigar, and the lower classes, who smokes cigarettes.

The staple of a stereotypical secretary and appropriate of the time.

False gun
In the wrought times of the big city, people only feel safe with a
pistol in their pocket.

PLANNING: Storyboard

Welcome Moderator

Thomas Hutchinson 1733 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Alexander Wain 1779 Our brief wa...