Friday, December 6, 2019


I learned from Frank Ash, the creative consultant at the BBC academy about what Digital Storytelling: how to connect with an audience through a relevant story to create suspense and anticipation. Frank devised this into a series of questions, in which you have to answer in your piece. These questions were: The Top line, and the Big question. 
Frank later went on to explain that when making a production you must work out what you as an audience member would want from a story. He also talks about how you must put your self into the shoes of an audience member in order to discuss what universal themes or ideas you want to convey, that connect all humans together. 
If this can be achieved, it would mean that the audience would be able to relate to your main message and can really understand the production later on. They might even be able to put themselves into your story. This all comes under the umbrella idea of social trends.
He finishes off by saying, if you can answer all these questions, you will be more confident when coming to making decisions about your own productions. 

When thinking of ideas for our production, we found that murder mystery had been in the news recently as the film 'Knives out' had started its advertising campaign and started gaining momentum. This gave us the inspiration to use the enigma genre, and we brainstormed our USP, and decided to reignite the love for Film Noir and use that approach. 

We then came up with our Top Line and Big Question:

Top Line: On a cold night, a man is walking home from work when he is brutally murdered in an alley way. Detective Swanson, a close friend of the victim, is put on the case and he suspects the mafia, and it is up to him to find the truth, whatever it takes.

Big Question: Will the detective solve the murder

Monday, December 2, 2019

Rogue One - A Star Wars Story

• Who produced the film?

Kathleen Kennedy and Allison Shearmur

• Who directed the film? 

Gareth Edwards 

• What other films have they directed? 

Star Wars: the last Jedi
End day 

• What was the budget? 

Gross: $265 million Net: $219.5 million
  • What was the Box office?
1.056 billion USD ($)

• Who stars in it? 

Felicity Jones
Diego Luna 
Riz Ahmed 

• What other films have they been in?

Felicity jones has been in: The theory of everything, on the basis of sex. Inferno 
Diego Luna has been in: Narcos: Mexico 
Riz Ahmen has been in: Venom, The night of, The sister’s brother 

• What technology has been used to make the film? (What cameras did they use? How was the film edited? What CGI was involved?) 

They used a computer-generated imagery was utilised in order to bring Catherine Fisher's character (Princess Leia) to life as she sadly died during the creation of the film.  

• How was the film marketed? Which different marketing tools were used?

Lucasfilm released a teaser trailer for Rogue One April 7th 2016. It was praised by reviewers and critics for the portrayal of strong female characters. The film is one of the only Star Wars films with a lead female role. The trailer was viewed 30 million times in it’s first 29 hours, Rogue One was promoted at the Star Wars celebration Europe III event in London. During the event, a new official poster was unveiled, a second set of teaser trailers was also unveiled and was screened exclusively for the audience at the event. Streaming platforms like YouTube were not allowed to screen it live until the official release of the trailer. 

 • What examples of synergy with other products/merchandise can you find? 

When the film was released it had many items of merchandise referencing many characters within the film made and sold in Disney stores. This is because back in October of 2012 Disney acquired the rights to star wars which meant it could exclusively sell star wars merchandise through their stores. This meant all star wars merch sold went straight to their bank accounts. LEGO Star Wars Rogue One sets were released which also helped to keep the film relevant.

• What examples of cross media convergence can you find? 

Walt Disney supports the film by selling merchandise in their stores, which are exclusive. 

• What examples of technological convergence can you find? 

Through the use of their official app, on the app you can take a selfie of yourself as a Jedi and share it on social media, this is then shared around to other people giving them the option do it as well. This is an example of free publicity as people who are uploading it to their social medias are giving more people exposure to the Star Wars brand

• Where and when was this film released (nationwide, worldwide) and in what cinemas?

The film premiered in Los Angeles, California on December 10th 2016 and was released in cinemas in the USA on the 10th December 2016 and then in the UK on the 13th December 2016.  

• What formats was it available in (digital / 3D etc…)? 

DVD format and online streaming platforms such as Apple TV, Disney Plus and also on blu-ray and 3D. 

• Who is the target audience?

The target audience for this film is extremely broad. This is mainly down to the fact that Star Wars has been a franchise that has been around for so long, and many people have heard of it and watched it. The ideal target audience according to BBFC is a 12A meaning people under the age of 12 can watch accompanied by an adult. The film is unisex.

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Thomas Hutchinson 1733 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Alexander Wain 1779 Our brief wa...